Friday, August 29, 2008

What is Sketchcrawl?

Well Once upon a time a man named Enrico went to a buck's party, this bucks party was a pub crawl , they were to visit 10 public houses, they only made it to seven. But that is a story for another time.

Inspired by the crawl aspect of this party Enrico set out one day on what he termed a Sketchcrawl. He took the time to draw the things he saw on his journey. He drew his coffee cup, he drew the people he saw, the busses he took and the general world around him. After this long day he decided this would be more fun with friends, and Sketch Crawl international was born.

Our Melbourne chapter of this movement was created to inspire people to join us on the 20th international sketchcrawl October 25th 2008.

We hope you will join us and look forward to sketching with you!

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